I love frogs and my little boy looks like a blue frog sittin' like that playin' in the dirt. What a cutie- even from the back LOL. The flowers are blooming again. The lilies grew really tall this year. We have been blessed with some healing rains. The drought had really taken its toll on the land and we have had timely rains all spring long. The weather tends to skip from winter to summer here with out taking time to nurture the new plants in spring. This year has been wonderfully wet! Here is Pepper, a sweet little babushka doll that I made from a shared pattern from the Beaded Art Doll group I belong to. Her heart is felted wool on cotton fabric and a stamped then stitched face on felt. She is a very simple little doll and I have just enjoyed looking at her. Then there is this little orangutang that is not even close to being finished. He has a great face and then there is Pink Puppy. Every one has a fit over him. They are using the idea of Dot Lewallen. She uses or recycles ...