Where to begin?

It has been a very long time since my last post. Hang on to your hats because I now have a laptop dedicated to staying connected that no one else will be using- ever. I have been beading- but not on anything very important. I participated in a bird RR for a beaded art doll group on yahoo. I also had the privilege of delivering a RR doll to its owner after 9 other ladies worked on her. We had to put all the other dolls on hold so that we might deliver "Joy" as soon as possible. The dolly's mommy was very ill and was concerned that she may not see her doll before she died. Well, we barely made it. She received her doll only a week before she went home to be with the Lord. Carol Anne was a remarkable lady (forefront) and an amazing friend and mother. Kathy is an awesome friend too (also pictured). Usually the passing of a loved one while working on a beaded doll puts me in a funk. Having been able to deliver hers really gave me some closure on that k...