New Designs!

A friend of mine, Carol-Anne, designed this bracelet and handed me the beads to bead it. It is called the "Queen's Crown Bracelet". I imagine the Queen of Hearts would love to get her hands on this jewel. Carol-Anne trusted me to test her instructions and I found them to be very well written and illustrated! WAY TO GO, Carol-Anne! It was such a priviledge to stitch this and of course it always great when you get new beads! It took me several days to finish it but even my son had to try it on. While I was making it I would look over at him, he was supposed to be doing schoolwork. Instead, he would be staring at me, mezmerized by the color and sparkle. I did add a few bits here and there but the overall design is definitely true to her instructions. Her design lends itself to some great variations. I have seen a couple from her and her first students that were just stunning. I used this peyote cirlce ins...