Dallas Bead Society

The ladies at the Dallas Bead Society are awesome people! Everytime I go to a meeting I leave encouraged and refreshed. At the last meeting, I taught a class that was requested by one of the board members. She had come around during a previous meeting and spotted a flower on my mat made from dagger beads and drops. IExplaining to her that it was inspired by a design I had found online but it was at an unobtainable rate and I then set out to teach myself another new trick. My flower looked different than the inspiration but it was lovely anyhow. After creating a handout for the ladies, it seemed to be a nice thought to offer a kit for a minimal fee to those who wanted one. Little did I know that so many of these precious ladies would want a kit and more than one! It was scramble but I discovered that I am good at it. I knew I could make kits but organizing who wants which color took a little bit more than just ...