
Spring is still struggling with winter and will soon be overpowered by summer's heat here in the countryside of Texas. In the wee hours of the morning the temperature managed to drop from a comfortable 70-ish to a chilly 50-ish and now- cold rain. I am thankful for the rain, but I am not a fan of the cold. I tend to get slow, crickety and cranky when the cold comes in and today is no exception. These wild Blackberries are loving the spring rains. This is a portion of the same patch of Blackberries after I cleared some of the dead brush/plants. BUT, it is a good day to be a beader. The great outdoors is not calling my name today and I can contentedly sit at my desk and create. It could use a good cleaning but I think I need another dose of spring to jump start that "spring cleaning" mode. I shall be content to create in my mess of a haven. "The Hook Line and Sinker" kits have been swimming out of here so fast that I have been struggling to ba...