Laying Low

I haven't had the heart to blog in sometime, mostly because I believe in speaking positive affirmations and not magnifying a problem. There is a part of me that has not blogged because of derogatory comments made about sharing your story through blogging. I now realize that it is that very thing that needs to happen. That is, we need to share our stories. They encourage, uplift, and help us identify with one another on a level that is supernatural. I don't know about you but I am all about connections on a supernatural level. So much of this world has left us wanting, with a hole- Plumb calls it a "God-Shaped Hole". I have to agree.

There are many problems in going on in my life at the moment and just to briefly share- My life as I knew it for many years has been torn apart. I am separated and missing one of my boys, my baby boy. I am facing a nasty divorce and the disconnections of my baby boy. Please, if you read anything into this read that HE is bigger and He is seeing me through. I am on an amazing road to recovery and am OH SO LOVED!

The derogatory comments come from  a lack of connection with people and disdain for sharing personal information that might make you vulnerable. I am not an island unto myself. I need other people, Truth be told, we all need each other because we were created for relationship. Sharing my stories of life in this blog is just a way for me to tell you that I have loved, failed, been hurt, and can recover, There is nothing wrong or self seeking in that, we need to share and not judge.

For me, the road to recovery of any kind always starts with God, this is why I agree with Plumb, whatever it is lacking in your life, whatever is missing, whatever is hurting, you can always plug God into it and He will fill it up to overflowing.

God Shaped Hole


Unknown said…
God bless you, Ralonda!

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