Housing progress!

Here is the pretty little stove my husband and I drove 2 1/2 hours (one way) to checkout. The circles will be fitted with the "Lone Star" emblem. I asked my husband what the deal was with the stars, his reply was "Its my new thing, it all started with that door at Lowe's." He has plans to put a star on the floor at the entry too. I will just have to humor him because if I don't there will be a million of them. He put a lot of love into cleaning this jewel up. It is already keeping the new house warm while he frames up the walls. This is the master bedroom/ bath and office end of the house. You can barely see the door with the beveled glass star that started it all. This is the same wall, I just turned around and backed up so you could see my new sewing area. On the other side of the wall is the safe room(storm cellar underneath) and office. You can also just see the edge of the back door. The other end is the one I will be avoiding- it has the kids'...