Summer has been busier for me than normal. 

I taught two 6 week courses to beginning beaders who had never stitched before.
One was for a home-school group of ladies and some of their daughters also.
 The other was for adults at my local public library.

I had an incredible group of ladies in both classes and they all did an amazing job with the fast pace of the projects offered.

 We covered:

Flat even count peyote with the "Basic Peyote Bangle".

"Basic Peyote Bangle"
Tubular even count peyote with the
"Peyote Pearl Princess Bracelet"
"Peyote Pearl Princess Bracelet"

Brick stitch with the "Diamond Bracelet"

Modified brick stitch with an embellished edge and using two stitches in one project with "Key to Beading"

"Key to Beading"

2 X 2 Right angle weave with "Two by Two Bracelet"

2 X 2 X 2 Right angle weave with "Double Wide"
"Two by Two" and "Double Wide"

To top off summer I went on a trip to Shreveport with my PIC ( partner in crime) for our fifth year of attendance at the Shreveport Bead Retreat.

When I came home, it was time to pick up our puppies (two weeks earlier than planned). 
Now I am happily babysitting and BEADING.

My next class will be in a week and a half.

Hook Line and Sinker August 17th at Wild Beads Arlington,TX (at 10:30 am)
 It will give me time to chill out and spend time with my boys and get them ready for school.


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