Busy is not always a 4 letter word

Here is a perfect example of what I mean. I had this jacket that I bought at a pricey retail store and paid only 25% of the retail amount. It was much too expensive to purchase without such a deep discount. I was excited to have it and looked forward to wearing it too. I had put it in the closet waiting for the appropriate season to come around again (I bought it at the end of the season). When it did 8 month later, I had discovered that a mouse had stalked my closet and used part of the cuff for its nest. I had never gotten to wear this jacket yet and I was soooo sad, but I held on to it. After discovering this post in "Plays with Needles" blog, I found a way to fix it and have it NOT look like a patch job. If you check out the post you can see why it is so inspiring. My family has been overcoming an attack. We have all had the sore throat and stuff noses and chests. God's grace pulled me through preparing a lesson for our 4 and 5 year old class and we had a great bi...