Shreveport Bead Retreat

I had a terrific time at my very first bead retreat.  I don't think I ever got into bed before 1 :30 am and never slept past 8 am. We took daily trips to Starbuck's (Mandi is a superstar and gets an employee discount). I acquired a new nickname, one that is a quite common reference in my house- "Groceries". I guess I really do eat a lot, though it is not my favorite past time.
Even though it was a bead retreat I did not bead very much at all. I spent most of my time sharing with others and peddling kits and doll forms. All my peeps thought they were at the "popular table" with so many flocking to purchase kits and check out my beaded dolls too.
The cogs class I taught  was a big hit, my friend Carol-Anne did a logical thing and counted heads for me. I had 26 students, a teacher's aide, and a heckler. Mandi offered to help me, she collected money and announced my class was about to begin to any stragglers left in the ballroom. Another friend,  Julie the heckler, was there to cause problems- in a good way. She actually decided to leave without any heckling because everyone was concentrating soooo hard. It was great to have the support of so many and have so many serious students. Every student was a superstar. They all had left with great progress and most even with a finished product.
I met some really wise ladies that I will treasure for years to come, I won't list their names because to do so would put one ahead of the other and they were equally important to me.
There was a whole lotta goofing off going on too. Dancing in elevators, beading in our pajamas, unauthorized shopping trips (no wait we got permission for that after all) even skipping classes! Some of the ladies even decided their jewelry bags belonged on their heads....
Some of us even went crazier and ditched the evening banquet to eat at Alabasha, a Lebanese/ Greek restaurant to watch the belly dancer (Amber was her name).
It isn't a terrific picture, the settings on my camera were really off... but we were in good beady company, she added alot of beads and sequins to her costume! Fun was had by all!
Not that the preparations for the bead retreat are over, I can actually bead a little and prepare for the school year with my kids. Our curriculum has already arrived!
This trip blessed me not only while I was gone but when I returned too. My kids and hubby were glad to have me home. I think they missed me more than they let on.


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