Well I finally have two pages done. I was stumped after beading the purple work for September's page and decided to go back to an old idea I started in 08. I have a love for tags so I went back to my tag template that I began making BJP pages for (unofficially) because I loved the idea. I had made January, February and March before I stopped. March was a biggie for me because the was the month my sister passed away in 07. I also had a craft fair and two funerals in February that kept me from being mentally prepared to finish that project. After a huge creative block with my first official BJP page I figured it was time to saddle that horse back up and get back on and ride it. I have to say it is a huge blessing. Each one of my new pages have a word on them that God has identified me as. My job is to humble myself and agree with what He says I am. September is "Strength" and October is "Joy" and I haven't zipped up December yet but it is my favorite phras...
The over the top Beaded Cogs Steampunk Style necklace I created for the Fashion Colorworks 2010 Beading Contest made it to the finals. You can go and rate the top ten from 1-5 here . Here are the fabulous photos my wonderful photographer (Thanks again BRAD!!!) took and while it was at his house his wonderful wife and president of the Dallas Bead Society got to prance around and wear it for the day. I told her she had to wear it for a whole day before she sent it home to me! He takes awesome photos!!! It wasn't the first time my beady friends have snagged it to wear for the day. One of them still claims it is a birthday gift that I haven't given to them yet. Thanks for stopping by!
I feel as if I am beginning again. However, I have so many things in place from when I really first began this creative journey. I am beginning again, but I am not starting from scratch. The trials of the past have given me perseverance I had not idea I possessed. I am still recovering from a major life change but I am allowing my life to become better and trying very hard to not become bitter... I am finding that I am not having to try so hard at it lately. I have hope. I have a new vision. I have wisdom to stop and pray. I have Grace. I have Mercy. And most of all, I have love. I have the love of so many sweet supporters and friends and family. People who constantly encourage me and remind me of why I create. Why I love to teach people. Why I get out of bed each morning. I have a commitment to stop and spend time with God and meditate each day with him on the creative process he has called me to. I had forgotten what peace and joy there is in that little bubble of medit...