A new Adventure in Art

 Creating while listening to worship music has become such a big  part of my creation process that I tend to do it without thinking. I have to stop and take inventory as to what actually contributes to my productivity and the avenues I find to get there. Which pointed out that I am in serious need of an MP3 player or something of the sort! When I am in my own little bubble, I can access the computer (Pandora Radio) and the Dish Network music stations or even FM radio in my car. 
As a result of going to the Texas Bead Retreat, I found that when I am away from home I am seriously deficient in peace. I am Totally LOST! Thank God for tech savvy friends with free apps on their technologicaly superior phones!
While listening to the internet radio, I painted the second page in my new art journal. I loaded the pictures onto the computer and then I had to play with the editing features. What fun!
Here is the original.

 This one is over-exposed- I like how light and airy it is.
This has the spot-light effect on it. I love the darker edges!

 This one is my favorite.  It not only has the spotlight but also has the cartoon affect added to it. It pulls those darker undertones to the surface!

Pretty cool coming from one painting. I may have to try to paint the variations to see how to do it myself.
Which one is your favorite?


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