Two Designs released...

New Releases?!

Today I finally made time to release two special designs on my Etsy shop. The first of which was my very first National Class taught at Bead Fest Texas in October back in 2011. It was Bead Fest's second year in Arlington, Texas and my very first time teaching for them.  The very first year I volunteered to help Bead Fest as a Dallas Bead Society member. It was then that I wore my design and was asked to submit it as a class proposal. It is a special design and brings back a lot of happy times. 
"Waves of Grace"
I will be teaching at Bead Fest this year in March. I am offering a beginner's peyote class and a two day workshop. The workshop is "Beaded Art Dolls" and the peyote class is "Peyote Pearl Princess".

Art dolls beaded by Ralonda
I love the romantic feel of these earrings. The old street lights of a time forgotten can be remembered every time you wear these. You can almost hear the clip-clop of horse hooves as the carriages roll down the streets. Maybe it's a stretch of the imagination, but I could definitely dream it.
London's Lantern Lights Earrings
These kits are limited and won't be reproduced.  Hopefully you will be able to get them if you want them.


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