Tips for messy artists....

In my last post, I shared with you how my need to clean. I did do alot of cleaning but now I am back to myself again and all I want to do is create! Typical! Well I didn't, and never will, get it all cleaned up but I did make one heck of a dent in things. I also discovered something about my habits that allow me to work even when things are in some form of disarray. I made this discovery when I decided NOT to spit shine my house before a brand new visitor came for tutoring in the creative process. Let's say that you crave an organized space in order to "work" but you are not disciplined to maintain that order. Anyone here like that? I know I am! Here is my suggestion: Use a place mat or in my case a cutting mat to block off a bit of "working" space and make everything on it as organized as you need to function at maximum productivity. Narrow your focus to this area. The world will tell you that everything else is still a mess, but ...