Creative refreshment...

I have this project that was birthed from a dream. I would say it must have been a dream of definate direction. I created this color wheel using doll torsos. Every torso had a different style of face and hair. It was a teaching wheel, but in color gradiation.
Here is the realized workings of this dream- well what I have done with it so far.
The colors may not be precise but they do work- and the best thing about it is that I had all the fabrics and I didn't have to go and buy a thing! I think I am going to leave the ring open and bead a strip of peyote to cover the pellon in the center. Leaving it open makes it much easier to handle.

This one demonstrates a button face with a slit cut in the fabric to
 accommodate the shank and loop fringe hair with drop accents.

This one is just a face so far. I haven't done a thing except glue it on when I glued the button on.
It was refreshing to pick up a project in progress and just work on it. Sewing the fabric was so theraputic. I really haven't wanted to pick up the beads as much as I have wanted to sew. But them I am back toone of  the reasons I started beading in the first place. I sew really fast! Beading makes me slow down because there is no way to do it super fast- well at least not as fast as sewing machine. It will take longer to finish a project and keep me busy, or so the story goes. After beading the hair and the bezel I am again tired of the beads. It took so long to do that hair... and it is not the greatest but one of the variations that needed to be displayed. I have my favorite "hair" techniques and this wasn't one of them, but I need to demonstrate as many different ones as I can.
I think I just need to get my groove back and nail it to the desk when I find it- anyone got a spare?


You are pretty brave to sew them all on the ring and THEN bead. I'd be catching my thread in a previously beaded head ~lol~

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