One of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days where you just needed a little pick me up? I spent all day yesterday in a funk that I couldn't shake. I even received somethings I had been waiting for and it didn't even put a dent in the dark cloud looming over my head. The mail lady brought my "Blog2Print" book, it wasn't supposed to ship until February 22nd. I even received money in the mail- eveybody like to get money in the mail!
Most of my day was done and my Dear Hubby came home  with a package. A what? Yes, he checked the mail and I had completely missed two little bubble mailers. Each one contained a doll form from a swap hosted by the Beaded Art Doll yahoo group. One of them was a little green fishy. This wasn't any ordinary fishy, its creator knew I was smitten with that cute little whimsical fish. She was also the swap host and arranged ever so cleverly to send her swap form to me. What a huge blessing. She remembered that I loved that little form, and she used her position to bless me. I tell you, there are a ton of good people out there that really are thoughtful of others.
The other doll form was quite lovely and a had a very sweet face. I photographed the pair on one of my journal pages.
I have already started the beading on the fishy, and I haven't beaded on a doll in a very long time. This was just such a sweet sentiment that it really got me busy. Thanks Aryd'ell.


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