Doll Journey: The Unexpected

As I envision a phoenix rising from the ashes I see scrolls or swirls of movement. This is one of my favorite design elements and  I especially love it in architecture and furniture. Being one of my favorite things, it shouldn't be unexpected when I incorporate it into the bead work. It really wasn't but what was not expected would be my reaction to its presence and what it added .
I began the scroll work after using a moss/ bocce stitch under the flames to transition the lower half of the doll to ashes. Selecting  a matte black 11 bead for the scroll outline. I wasn't completely settled on this bead or the scrolls from the beginning,  but I made myself push through and commit to the decision that was made. I set the doll down at this point, still not certain of the direction is was taking.
Later I came back to her,  looked at the black scroll of bead work and picked her up, I felt an intensity that wasn't there before. A depth of meaning. Now I am certain that it belongs as it is. The drama of the addition will help translate the swirls I see as she rises from the ashes.
 And I will post later about the importance of the actual contact you have with your art.
(moss stitch and partial swirls)
Below is my favorite photo of the group, it captures the one technique that makes the most difference on beading a doll, beading across the seams. It was  also a lovely angle to reveal her spirit.

AND blogger did not want me to upload it as it took 5 attempts!
Beading has been a little slower than usual but-- slow and steady wins the race.
So just keep running the race....


Anonymous said…

I think I'm having as good a time Following your progress as you are beading it.

This is so interesting and inspiring to watch/read.

Thank you for taking me on this journey with you!

Candys in Oklahoma

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