Doll Journey: The Creative Spirit

Whenever I create a doll, I am whisked away by the Creative Spirit. It is that little voice inside me that directs me down the path. With "Firefly" that voice was harder to hear and spoke far fewer words, just as you might expect from a doll that is asking the for the flames to be fanned into an inferno from just a smoldering coal. The vision grew into a brighter light. Now we have "The Flood". It is indeed  a flood of ideas, a rushing movement of a fluid life. It is another representation of one's life captured in art, a piece that has identified what cannot be explained in words.
Face the Flood.
The face of "The Flood" is aware, somewhat serene, but will keep you wondering.

The color captures the strength  of the wave caps. 
Even the texture is meant to portray the "foaming" of the waves as they break.
Since first creating this doll's form, there have been many projects to complete, strict schedules to stick too, and the mundane everyday chores to be kept up with. In addition to all of these, I have been working with injuries. Last Monday, I sprained my ankle- I learned how hard it is to bead with your foot in the air. I also learned what a comfy nest I have made for myself in my "sewing area". On Tuesday I sprained my left ring finger, not a significant digit until you are aware of how much it really assists the others, and on Wednesday night I managed to smack my nose on the corner of my nightstand in my sleep leaving a cut across the bridge of my nose. All of these make me thankful that I usually operate in relatively little pain in my day to day life!

NONE of this stops "The Flood". 

What has halted progress on "The Flood" is inspiration. 
Lady Bird
The one thing an artist yearns for is just that- 
a flood of inspiration. And I am so Thankful for it.
Because of it, Lady Bird was born and is almost complete.
Wings are finished and most of the back too.
The Creative Spirit has blessed me with  exciting new avenues to explore and is sharing with me the significance of it all. I took two classes from Melanie Potter this past weekend, Petalicious and Queen Esther's Jewels. She is an amazingly gifted teacher, and was another inspiration to me. She has the most lovely spirit and it would have been awesome to just ride around in her pocket for a week or two...really more.
Three pieces on the left are from the class, and the piece on the right is another flower done afterwards-
none are completed yet

There is another excitement brewing also, can't share that one yet, but I can promise you it will be fabulous.
(if you like shoes)
Blessings dear friends.


Unknown said…
I already love Lady Bird, and am excited to see how both she and The Flood turn out! It seems your beading ability is matched by your poetic descriptions of your inspiration and processes. I wish I was this creative! I'm sorry about your multiple injuries. Perhaps you should consider wrapping the furniture in your house in foam. ;) feel better quickly!
Hi Ralonda,
We are in the FiberArtTraders group together and this is my first time visiting. :)
Your beaded work is OUTSTANDING! Love your Lady Bird and all the others.I have a special place in my heart for birds. :)
I have become a Follower of your blog can you please become a Follower of mine too? :)
Hugs and I will visit again soon.

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