Doll Journey: Distracted

Wow, who would have thought anything could stop a Flood?!  

Well Little "Lady Bird" has done just that.

 There is no apology necessary for getting distracted with this little bird challenge from BAD.
Baby pink is not my usual go to color. In fact, I tend to avoid it when possible. Pastels are just not my thing. Ever since I created a bunch of birds for kits for the Texas Bead Retreat, I have been eyeing a pink form that had little birds printed on it.
I KNOW- again with the birds!

She took form when several things collided. The form hanging around, the challenge, a face laying on my table rejected by The Flood, and then the final factor. There was a news story about folks complaining about the mowers wanting to mow down some of the wildflowers early due to limited visibility. Of course the story could not be aired without retelling the story of "Lady Bird Johnson's" Highway Beautification Program, because that is were the wildflowers originated. It is also how "Lady Bird" got her name. What a First Lady she must have been, and this pink bird represents that to me.

She is not finished yet and even she will be interrupted by two classes I am taking this weekend from Melanie Potter. Until I have completed her, The Flood will have to be held back.
We will have to be very careful when she is finally unleashed!


Beautiful design and colors.
-Eva Maria

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