The Small things

I didn't get to do much crafting today, but I did manage to get all my laundry done in 4 speedy loads. Wooo Hooo, think of all the time I will have this week! I worked on corset themed ATCs today-- not at all satisfied with the results.. grrr. It was not what I had in mind-- so I switched to making something for a friend. I really want to get my clay out and play, I have some work to do with it- I know what I want, but I have to have sufficeint time to get it out and get it done. I did get to take my "Little man" to scouts for the first time in about 6 weeks. There was a lot of illness and school being out so we were not going. This was his picture from the first time he wore his uniform. He loves it and even said so on the way home! Today, he got in the car with a coonskin cap on and the poor coon lost its tail to a ferocious kitten we had a while back. It was so funny! He has always enjoyed dressing up to entertain people. We call him our little clown. ( We have alot of...