Brand new Blog

This is my first blog entry and it has been a whirlwind of a day. I spent the day eating out with my boys teaching them public table manners, and grocery shopping. I went to the post office to mail out the last 6 of 12 beads for a beaded doll swap from a Delphi forum swap. Now my husband is sitting bed-side with his stepdad who just suffered a heart attack this afternoon. I am not sure if he is concious yet or not but I know he is in good hands- The Lord's! And thank you for you faithful BAD sisters for your prayers, I know that they are being heard.

I can thank Noel from BAD for kicking me in the shin to get busy on creating this blog-- Thanks Noel. It is your turn to get that esty shop going now!!!

I hope to share my faith and my life with new and old friends alike, maybe even some family will pop in from time to time. I hope you all will enjoy my company and my art.

This picture is of a painting that I am going to bead as a part of an idea I have to allow the blind to feel artwork by using beads to accent the lines and features which will also add visual appeal to the sighted. It is intitled "Son of Man" and he has a sister doll named "Hermana Del Sol" who was created as a challenge from the BAD group. I think this painting will inspire more peices as orange has become a new favorite color of mine.

More to come later, as I am still figuring out this whole blogging thing.

May you recieve the blessings that He has already given to you this day. They are there, just believe Him.


Wendy said…
Thank you for sharing your faith on your blog.It was a blessing to me this morning.You helped me to remember that no matter what we face the Lord is in control.
Unknown said…
" If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him." I don't want to be shameful and I am glad it was a blessing to you. I hope it will be a blessing to many.

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