More beadin'

Beading and my bead buddies are really keeping me going this holiday. I have been working on the winter challenge that is due in January. I also want to finish a doll or two to use as samples for the class I am teaching at that same January meeting. In light of all this I have also stumbled upon the greatest idea for a Bead Dreams submission in the wearable catagory that has not been done before. I have even begun to place design elements into that process. I really need to sketch those out soon too, or it is going to eat at me.
Here is my winter challenge entry. His name is Pearl and he belong to my son and he called him sno-puppy. He convinced me last year to buy the "Sno-buddy" from Starbuck's and I put him in his stocking for Christmas. My kids always get a soft animal/doll in the top of their stocking and Nathaniel loves his the most.
This was almost tossed out with the bedroom trash and I saved him. I make it a habit to check their trash since toys are often thrown away instead of putting them in the "right" boxes.

"Her" new name is "Pearl" for the three mother of pearl cabs that she now sports. Two of them are teardrop shaped and the front is a sweet little oval. My beady friends say that the teardrops on the side make her look like a puppy sitting with her haunches stuck out. My mom dubbed that "the puppy sit". We had a rottweiler that loved to "puppy sit" and we had to train her out of it since it wasn't good for her hips. At any rate she is a cutie.

Here is the progress photo I promised. This really needs a name! It has taken some time to get this far and had been an exercise in working with 15s. Gee, I think I need more of them-- there goes the budget.....
I must say it is much better than being in a funk and not wanting any bead at all, I have been there and do NOT want to go back to that -- ever! One day "this" will grow up and I will be so excited.

So far Speedie Beadie Dot, my friend and fellow BAD member, has been the only one to comment on my post about the space that needed attention. I will be sending you something soon. I can get you contact info from BAD. Thanks for your suggestion- I too love sequins!


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