Doll Journey: The spirit of Beaded 2 Bless

When beads become a blessing, you have hit the nail on the head.
Today I received some "happy mail".
You know the kind of mail that brings a gift or an unexpected nicety instead of a bill or application.
In the mail I found the first 3 packages from my "Bead Sisters" containing feathers!
Wow, 3 at one time, the power of numbers doesn't fall dead on the brain.

Let me back track a moment.
 I sent a post on a yahoo group  that  asked for urgent help making feathers. I asked  those interested to email me for more details. What they didn't expect was that I wanted them to create the feathers while listening to praise/ worship music, the word or while they prayed. I knew that some might be completely turned off at the idea but I was not ready for the amazing words that came from some of the participants. Many of them said they "would be honored" to help. One lady was "blown away" by my request as she hasn't been a Christian for very long.  I sent  packages to those that agreed that contained beads to make 15 feathers, return address label and even return postage ($2) a total of  15 people. They also had a pdf tutorial for how to make the feathers that was emailed to them- they take less than 30 minutes.

What really warmed my heart, besides the returned packages with more feathers than requested by each person, was the notes inside. They even sent back the return postage! The spirit that these feathers carried was so overwhelming that I have been overwhelmed with tears of joy on several occasions today.
That IS BEADED 2 BLESS, and it has blessed my socks off!

 Now I am more determined than ever to get this doll done and sent in by the deadline!
I can do this- WE can do this!

Here is proof positive.

This leg is totally beaded now!
It was not easy getting the back of her calves and thighs but it is done too.
I love the position of these feet.

This is today's progress so far, I know I am posting on Tuesday but I think there will be another post on Friday too!  I am certain that this leg will either be done or be so close it won't matter. I need for it to be totally done by then so that is what I am praying for!
Not a great photo : (

I felt like I have been all thumbs today when I bead, but there is still progress. I still have another hour before bedtime too.


Heartwideopen said…
I don't know what happened to my last comment but it got lost. Just wanted you to know that your doll is amazing! You are an artist, painting with exquisite little pieces of glass "paint". I've been watching this doll "becoming" and I can't wait to see her finished. xxoo
Unknown said…
Thanks Debi, it won't be too much longer now....
Blessings, Ralonda

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