Shoe forms

It was decided that there would be a beaded art doll shoe challenge on BAD..... Two of us are stitching shoes to offer as forms. I have been playing with some ideas to make shoes like the one I previously posted small enough and completely stuffed. This way, a doll face could be added and it could become a small art doll. There are requirements that must be met on BAD (Beaded Art Doll Yahoo group- for those who may not know) for forms that are to be used in a Round Robin. The most difficult to achieve of these requirements is size. The forms I want to make are difficult to sew and sewing them in miniature is even more difficult. after several attempts I have landed a design that I can both sew easily and reproduce often. The last time I designed a form for one of their Round Robins, I wound up making 33 teapots forms. The demand doesn't seem to be as high this time and there is another lady making forms (phew). Below are the first few, which are far too large for a RR but are ok...