My Boys

Here is a my favorite picture of All of my boys. It was almost 2 years ago. My husband was not proud of the size of this fish (they are usually much bigger) and didn't want to take this photo but the kids did. The fish he usually catches average 35 pounds but this one was only 15 or so. His record has been 60 pounds. I don't usually include photos of my husband but today is our 12th wedding anniversary and well, yesterday was Mother's Day - so it thought it appropriate to have all of them here.

I don't usually enjoy Mother's Day as I have always reflected on whether I have done my very best with my kids and it always has seemed to be the day that mom has to be a supermom to get everyone to church on time and then eat and nap and supper, and, and, and.... Well not this year, this mom didn't lift a finger (until late last night when I had to wash hubby's overalls for work today). We stayed home and ate left-overs and a big turkey salad for dinner. We had left over crawfish from the Big Crawfish boil we had on Saturday- that was my supermom day! I won't go there, it will make me cranky all over again! I just thanked God for getting me throught that day without giving anyone a tongue lashing!

So Mother's Day this year was the best one I ever had. My sweet Nathaniel brought me a heart shaped rock from the creek and a wild flower from the field and said "Happy Mother's Day, Mom." I also had some inspiration about my next piece for Land of Odds competition "Earthen Mother" and I had a weird dream of having another baby- boy that is not gonna happen! My back ached last night so my mind must have equated it with labor, LOL.

Today isn't Mother's Day but know that even Jesus had a loving mother just like you have been for your children and maybe even grandchildren. Have a blessed day.


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