Paper crafts

I have been making doll forms and taking pictures all week and today I had a sick little boy. No school and plenty of time between medicine and loving to create. These dolls were made the other day but today I made the bookmarks. They have a prayer on the back that was crafted from my prayer class and was originally part of the first prayer book. I just adjusted the set up and reprinted one- well several! The fiber is on the bookmarks is actually dark silver not blue. I have more stuff to prepare for the craft fair next weekend (May 16) and I have two prom dresses to alter before Friday. Gotta go to work! I have a lot to accomplish before nite nite time.
Conform not to the pattern of this world but to that of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.


Sorry to hear of your sick little guy.Hope he is feeling better.
Very nice forms. I know you will work your magic on these. The design on the right is wonderful,like a heart body.
abeadlady said…
Is your son better? I sure hope so. It's so hard when you can't make them feel better.

Love the doll forms! Makes ideas start popping into my head. Glad you liked the pin.


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