Its beginning to look alot like Christmas...

What a wonderful Christmas season I have been experiencing. All around me, people are pouring out their hearts to others in need. I know, many of them do it every year, but this year I am not walking around in a funk missing my mother so much that it blinds me to what is going on around me. THIS year may be the first Christmas since she has passed that I may be able to carry on even half of her Christmas cheer. I had the privilege of putting my sewing skills to work for the Christmas Play. This is not just any play, this is Starry Night, Noisy Night a Suessical Musical about the Christmas story told from the perspective of the animals. Our sheep look like Little Bo Peep sheep, and our cows are a smashing hit with hot pink and black costumes. The greatest moment came when I fitted our little "rooster" in his costume. I don't have a picture of him in it but I do have a picture of my son filling in for the alterations. Even with that great moment, my favorite costume is...