Oh, Brother

My brother came to visit me on Saturday on his brand new Harley. I was very excited to see him. We don't visit much but there is a very strong bond between us. Since our sister passed away last year, we decided we had better stay in contact more often. I was able to share with him the triumph of new walls for our house. I had thrown some steaks and brats on the grill just moments before he arrived unannounced, well except for that sweet sound of a Harley coming up the drive. I didn't know this, but he loves brats and his fiance won't cook them! So, it pleased me to be able to serve a meal that he doesn't usually get. I know he is gonna be hanging his head and using my middle name but here is a picture of him and His NEW HOG. Congratulations Bubba, I am so proud of you! Miles may have separated us when we were kids but it couldn't break the bond we have!

I am so blessed to have such a caring and dedicated brother. We only had five short years to bond before we were split up as children. It doesn't matter, there were times when I recongnized his voice but not the man in front of me who's mouth it came out of. Earlier on Saturday I had been chatting about those southern speech patterns that I have grown to associate with my brother and then -- Here he comes! There is a special place in my heart for him and I count it as a HUGE blessing.


Anonymous said…
Hi Rolanda, Lovely to see you so happy to see your Brother !He sound's great,and the Harley looks fantastic . I hope you had a ride !!!.What are brat's?
love from sesga xx

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