Building Site

Today we poured the concrete for our IFC house. The pump truck was beautiful against the blue sky. Here it is just waiting for the concete mixers.

Here is the great big boom from the other side of the house. I call this photo industiral art. I also took on that has my hubby in it to show the scale. But I don't think he wants to be on my blog.

I have been needing to get a photo of me, but you have a hard time taking a photo of yourself. So when my son was bringing me my camera, he thougt it would be good if he took a few photos first. I cropped this one so you don't wonder which one is me. So- here I am after just rolling out of bed, throwing on clothes, and shoveling cement. The goofy look on my face is a "Yeah, I see you, would you just bring me the camera and quit playing with it." I had to delete 6 pics of the ground from Mr Snaphappy.( but he did get this rare photo)

I have more to share tomorrow. I am very tired from today and taking 5 kids skating tonight. Oh, I got news from the "Shop" and a lady bought the fork today and wants more work too. Have a blessed day, and I will post about the exciting award I recieved from Sesga and a PIF notice.


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