Still not done!

My cousin's dear daughter called me today. She is one of my special children! She is a college student and calls me from time to time. I am younger than her mom and older than she is with a lot of experience under my belt. She is a bright young lady and I have told her before that I wished she had been my daughter- or that if I had one, I would want my child to be like her. I told her of my new blog and she went to it right away. I mentioned from one of my posts that I haven't had time to make anything today either. She told me that I did make something today. "You made me happy," she said. What a sweet girl, I love to hear how intellegent she is and how the Lord continues to lead her. So todays post is for her ( I know she will be reading this soon.)

RAOK received today from Sandi @ ATC connection- titled " I love orange" on the envelope she wrote "to my orange diva twin"
Magic Carpet beginings themes- Floral Fantasy for the B.D.Z. group
Puzzle Piece Doll Challenge progress pics for B.A.D.

Here are the corset ATCs that I am not so happy with. Not exactly what I planned. I am going to do a few more that are different. Hope you enjoyed the many "in progress" photos as they are STILL NOT DONE. Have a blessed day.


mrsmorris said…
Hi there ~ just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hello, and your work is beautiful.


Anonymous said…
Hi Rolanda what a lovely post tell your cusins daughter to come and visit my blog too, she sounds lovely.hope you are well love from sesga xx
abeadlady said…
Hey, Ralonda,

I just saw your puzzle doll on the BAD site. I really like the idea of the puzzle dolls. I joined the group and am looking forward to playing with dolls again. Of course my BFAC doll has priority.

Anonymous said…
Hi rolanda go to my blog I have awarded you with an award love from sesga xx

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