NO photos

I don't have any photos to share today. I know you are thinking I am a slacker! LOL! I have been working diligently on my PIF gifts and you know I can't post a picture of them yet. If you didn't get to play yet you may be able to go to JJ's blog and get involved. You won't be sorry. I have been having a great time making things with specific individuals in mind. I will be recreating that pretty little dragonfly fork tomorrow for her too, I sooo hope I can do "it again Sam". I had a wonderful conversation with JJ today on the phone, talk about reach out and touch someone! I am so glad she phoned me- it is so much easier to talk ninety to nuthin' instead of typing it.
Been having a bit of a go around with the children lately, the changing season has been challenging us all. One thing has changed for sure, Dad is not having any of it this time! He has been putting his foot down. Literally- he bangs the floor with his heel (one time) and it makes a loud sound and the kids scramble! It catches me off guard sometimes and I even jump! LOL
I was a little saddened to find my prayer class over but my spirit was lifted when the Pastor said that he would be teaching for the next 5 weeks on finding the will of God ( I have recently found some scripture concerning this very topic). He kicked it off with scripture stating that the will of God is for us to give Thanks in all things! Boy if we do that we would groan a lot less, right? So what are you thankful for tonight? I am thankful to be called a child of God, to have a wonderful husband who supports me in all things, to have my kids at home with me to train them to be what He is calling them to be, to have a supportive church body, to have friends who are not afraid to tell me when my zipper is down, and to be an encouragement to others. I am thankful for you too, God bless you!


Anonymous said…
Hi Rolanda you are so lovely !

with pay it forward what would one be expected to give ??? leave a message on my blog let me know thankyou love from sesga xx

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