What a whirlwind!

Well I have been busy lately. I Have had several pieces to send out-- Many of which will be going to JJ from my ATC group. I have been crowned the "Queen of altered Art" and will hopefully be hosting monthly altered "things" swaps there. It seems I have become quite the hostess- here that mom?- I did manage to get those in the mail today after a scenic and unfruitful drive to the post office at closing time yesterday. I am also hosting a Beads and Babes swap on BAD. I received a large parcel today and was amazed at what was in it. Not only was there a swap kit, but there where a bunch of extra doll forms and faces to pass along to all the players. There was also something special just for me.

I also received some special cards from Phyllis-- Thank you, dear! I tried to email you twice but it bounced--that mailer demon is making a mess of my email attempts! I would post a pic of them but since they are copyrighted, I can't. They are beautiful images of watercolor paintings done by Phyllis herself-- if I could paint like that- somebody would shoot me and rob me of my talents!
Today was such a busy day for me. A friend came over for a crafty day of fun. I was unable to land today for an insatiable hunger. Once I ate a big lunch I couldn't focus. But MY son came home with another new friend. Here he is holding a sweet frog that he named "Spotlight" because we tried hard to get a good photo of the little thing. Here is the little creature I am told by my husband that he is a Leopard frog.
I added patches to a Scoutmaster uniform for my cousin's "emergency" and provided her with some stamps for the camporee passports (for the events at camporee). It was great because she provided me with the opportunity to work on a war bonnet kit that she bought to assemble and had to purchase a full headdress instead- it was too much for her to to in the amount of time she had. I always wanted to see those kits up close to decide if I wanted to just buy the parts or the kit for one. Now, no more wondering. If I don't mess it up, she will pay me to make it plus what I paid her for the kit returned to me. It is a win, win. It appears to be easy. Assembly is all-- piece of cake, right? I really thought it would be harder. Guess that was just me making things harder than they have to be again.
I have been contacted by my Mermaid swap partner and I have no clue where to begin,LOL. She has been here so she knows what I do and I have asked her for some clues. I know it has to be a mermaid!
I am also looking for two more commitments to bead on a project for the Turtles of Hope project . http://www.atawhisper.com/PRT4QRules.htm I have found one firm commitment and one I am not sure of. I will need 3 beaders total (not counting me) for a project that will not be done until August.
I hope that you have Blessed Day and love on all those little ones in your life.


Unknown said…
I recieved your PIF! Thank you!! it's just wonderful, but I knew it would be. It was just the inspiration I needed to brighten my work space- I'll be posting pictures and my own PIF announcement in a doy or so, (I have to head out to work soon)
Thank you again! I'm so thrilled!

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